One of the misconceptions is that Muslims worship Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This is entirely untrue, and is easily refuted by the actual saying of the Prophet (peace be upon him): "Do not over-praise me as the Christians over-praised Jesus, the son of Mary. I am His(Allah's) slave, so refer to me as 'God's slave and Messenger.' "
Islam teaches Muslims to respect all of God's Prophets and Messengers – but respecting and loving them does not mean worshipping them.
A related claim is that Muslims worship the "moon God" which is also totally incorrect. Worshipping the moon, or anything other than Allah, is strictly prohibited in Islam:
"Do not prostrate to the sun or to the moon, but prostrate to Allah Who created them, if you really worship Him."Quran 41:37
Islam acknowledges the complete perfection, greatness and uniqueness of God with absolutely no compromises. He is the Most Just and the Most Merciful. Worshipping Him alone is the most important belief in Islam, as mentioned in the Quran in numerous places.
Learning about Islam from unqualified sources without verification is dangerous and leads to misunderstandings. Do not be misled into accepting misconceptions and false information about Islam – the belief shared by more than a quarter of mankind.
Does not the guidance for all humanity, the message of Islam, deserve to be carefully pondered over and reflected on?